When discussing the greatest films to come out of the Shaw Brothers Studio, The Mighty Peking Man isn't likely to be in the running. That being said, it is one of the better known Shaw films and has developed quite a robust cult of fans....
16 May, 2018
Love abounds in Shaw Brothers movies. Below are a few favorites featuring sword-crossed fighters, and modern-day innocents who may or may not find their heart's desire.
Have Sword Will Travel (1969) by Chang Cheh. Yun Pao Pao’s (Li Ching) devotion to fiancé Siang (Ti Lung) only...
15 February, 2018
For the most part, Shaw Brothers horror films are usually enjoyed for the sheer outrageousness that they encompass. The focus of the Shaw Brothers studio when it came to films was their ability to make money in theaters and through their horror films they could...
01 November, 2017
Any self-respecting fan of black magic films owes it to themselves to check out the film that spawned countless imitators and an entire sub-genre of Hong Kong horror films: Ho Meng-Hua's Black Magic. The dark arts show up here and there in earlier films, such as the incredible 1972 Sun...
26 October, 2017
Here are five Shaw Brothers villains to repulse and frighten for the autumn holidays. If you are looking for something on the spooky side, this is a great selection of madmen and vengeful spirits to watch during October.
Putting this list together was actually quite...
06 October, 2017