Celestial Pictures | Bio
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Naval Commandos’ Song San as played by David Chiang

“No. I am Chinese.” Local Triad boss Song San works independently to thwart the invading Japanese in his beloved Shanghai. Song ultimately joins the titular group of Chinese military bent on driving the would-be usurpers out of their homeland. Martial / Weapons Skills: While Song knows some bare...

Magnificent Wanderers’ Chu Tie Xia as played by David Chiang

“So he’s after my money!”” A revolutionary hero pitted against the overlord Mongols; Chu does whatever he can to help his people. He may come across as a cultured member of high society, but in truth, this young man knows his priorities lie with the oppressed. Age:...

Shaolin Temple’s “Little Master” Man Yue as played by Chiang Sheng

“Entering the Alley doesn’t deserve death. There’s “U-Turn Road” in the alley. It’s to give people a chance to go back.” Age: Early Twenties Affectionately called Little Master by new and seasoned adepts alike, Man Yue is among Shaolin Temple's most loyal monks. Answering to the Great...

Movie Review: MARCO POLO (1975)

Director: Chang Cheh Starring: Alexander Fu, Chi Kuan-Chun, Philip Kwok,Bruce Tong Yim-Chaang, Shih Szu, Lu Ti, Richard Harrison, Gordon Liu, Leung Kar-Yan and Johnny Wang. OVERVIEW Marco Polo opens with the eponymous character arriving at the court of Kublai Khan where, with processional pacing, heroes compete in a series...

A Birthday Appreciation of Venom #4, Kuo Chue

A lone hero in a corrupt world…this is the type of man Taiwanese actor, martial acrobat and action director, Kuo Chue (Kwok Chung-Fung) would play in Chang Cheh’s dangerously playful Venom Mob films. So on his birthday, I’d like to salute the most agile and...